Speaker: Taylor Piephoff
The State of Birds of Mecklenburg County: Tracking the Changes from Elizabeth Clarkson to the Present
Since the publication of the 1st edition of Elizabeth Clarkson’s The Birds of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County North Carolina in 1944, tremendous changes have occurred that affect local bird life. Come learn how an increasingly urban landscape has impacted local and migratory birding populations. We will look at how some key species are dealing with a changing landscape and take a broad look at the species that have occurred in Mecklenburg County. Teaser: It's not all bad news.
Taylor will be referencing Elizabeth Clarkson’s book. Grab your copy in advance online or in-person during his lecture The Birds of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County North Carolina.
Registration includes live presentation (either in-person or virtually), Q&A session and admission to Wing Haven’s gardens. A recording of the programwill be available after the presentation.
$25/Member (in-person)
$10/Member (virtual, live and recording)
$35/Non-member (in-person)
$20/Non-member (virtual, live and recording)
$15/Student (In-person only)
Meet the Speaker
Taylor Piephoff is a local naturalist with a special interest in the wildlife of the southern Piedmont. Taylor has been exploring the natural areas of Mecklenburg for over 50 years. He is the past President of the Carolina Bird Club, past Chair of the NC Bird Records Committee; past member of the SC Bird Records Committee, past Board member of Mecklenburg Audubon; and contributed a weekly Piedmont Birding column to the Charlotte Observer for over 13 years. He is an active member of the local birding community and beyond; organizing and compiling the Southern Lake Norman Christmas Bird Count, and leading local and statewide birding trips whenever possible. In December 2023 Taylor recorded his 300th bird species seen in Mecklenburg County.