The Beauty of Autumn

As I walked through the garden this afternoon, the brisk cool air biting my cheeks, I thought of all that I see here, nearly every day of the year. There is so much beauty all around us—so much that can ground us and muffle the squeal of the outside world (or sometimes even the inside world)—if we take the time to really see.

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned from Elizabeth Lawrence is to not just look, but to really see the garden. So, I wanted to share the beauty that caught my eye today. Nearly all of these shots are close-ups, which is purposeful. I find peace in the simplicity of composition… and in the things that we may otherwise pass right by without noticing. I hope you do, too.

Enjoy your gardens. And remember to take some time to really see all the beauty around you every day.

Yours in Dirt,
